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Vintage Websites

Across time and space, Otaku Senshi websites have been a place of refuge. These are ones who, while may not be active, are still whole. 

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Updated: 19th May 2024

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Welcome to the 'Book Of Otaku Senshi', otherwise known as BOOS. This site features fanfiction, art and a controversial fan created senshi, Sailor Savior. Other parts (namely the Articles) can and most likely will contain heavy sarcasm.


Book of Otaku Senshi

After the defeat of Sailor Galaxia in Sailormoon Sailorstars, Usagi, Mamoru and the Sailor Team are forced to face a new terrific menace: Atlantis, returns to bring the Obscurity on our beloved Planet. While an old (and new) mate reappears, the Moon gains all its sleeping power to stop the advancing darkness...


BSSM: The Endless Trilogy

Small Lady has been sent back into the 20th century for greater training now that she has awakened to her own powers as a sailor soldier and heir to the Silver Crystal of Illusion.

However, four small children, created of the Sailor Team, have suddenly been thrust into this peaceful city--and they're about to turn everything upside-down.

Also read about Sailor Aranis and Sailor Aurora.


Chibi Power Makeup

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Kiyoko is the second child of Neo Queen Serenity and King Endymion, and connected to the Golden Crystal in the same way Chibi-Usa was connected to the Silver Crystal. As an adult Kiyoko serves as Priestess of Magic and Advisor to her sister, now Queen of Crystal Tokyo.


Daughter of Crystal Tokyo

What if a Negative Universe is just a darker alternate version of the Positive Universe? Not nessisarily in a bad way by any meanse. The bad guys are still bad guys, the guardians are still relatively good, if not more snide, snarky and sarcastic... Add a touch of insanity into the mix, and you have the Nega-Senshi.


Eternal Eclipse

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A shrine dedicated to to Sailor Sedna, and the kingdom of ice and night. 


Glittering Dreams

​In an alternate universe, Sooky aka Usagi, discovers a darker world than she could possibly imagine. An incredible, complete fan manga!


Heavy Metal Sailor Moon

​Dedicated to the senshi of the Island World's, the asteroid senshi. Sailor Ida shall arise from the mists. 


Ida's Place

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A website dedicated to the stories, bios and fanon of the Meditation Senshi. An extension of her original wordpress site. 


The Meditation Senshi

In The Neo Silver Millennium, Queen Serenity is loved by all. But there is a darker side of her rule that remains hidden under a quiet layer of censorship. The Moon Senshi are reborn in the future to stop the oppression that laid waste to their former kingdoms. Together, they bring an end to the innocence of Crystal Tokyo...

Moon Senshi

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The home of Sailor Star and Sailor Sun.


Misty Illusion

Welcome to the Palace of the Sun, the home of Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: Sailor SunHeart.


Palace of the Sun

    A quick look into the very beginning, where there is a big mistake waiting to happen all because Kousagi is torn between a normal life and that of a Princess. Add to a mix four brothers from another world, seeking to revive their brother by the use of the one who has the greatest level of energy. But what they don't know could very well kill not just themselves but planet Earth as well.


Pandora's Box

Sailor Moon Remembered Senshi takes place soon after the defeat of Queen Beryl in the original Sailor Moon Series and it stretches to just before the Alan and Ann arc of Sailor Moon R begins. The action of the story centers around one Terra Brown a.k.a. Sailor Ceres, her would-be boyfriend David Hollins, and four other mysterious senshi that are revealed as the story progresses.


Remembered Senshi

Welcome to Rogue Moon, a small site about my created senshi, Sailor Galatea. This site was originally made just to be a place for Sailor Galatea's profile and any pictures created of her. There are plans to write fanfics with her in it, but it may take a while. Feel free to look around.


Rogue Moon

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"I am the Celestial Phoenix, the Guardian of this system! In the name of
the sacred star, I will defeat you! I am Sailor Sol!!"


Saga of Sailor Sol

A child has awoken from the Galaxy Cauldron. Is it Chaos or Cosmos? The senshi around them will be pulled into their eternal storm. 


Sailor Moon: Dusk 

This is where the Legend of the Zodiacs is kept for all eyes to see. These archives are very closely guarded, as the stories very, very important. But for your eyes...and maybe your eyes only...Here they are...


Sailor Moon Zodiac

This is where the Legend of the Zodiacs is kept for all eyes to see. These archives are very closely guarded, as the stories very, very important. But for your eyes...and maybe your eyes only...Here they are...


Sailor Senshi Starseed Supply Store

A new generation of senshi are born. 


A French site, a crossover between Sailor Moon and Pokemon. Really check out their AMV section!


The Soldier Page

"I am the Celestial Phoenix, the Guardian of this system! In the name of
the sacred star, I will defeat you! I am Sailor Sol!!"


Spring Spoofs

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I'm Sailor Avalon!  I protect the Universe and I will always prevail!  Mess with me and you'll be dust!"


Universal Senshi

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Welcome to the new and improved Wings Of Love, home of Sailor Moon fanfiction author Usagi Carter.  Featured here are all of Usagi's Sailor Moon fanfiction, including all the stories to her Sailor Moon Series.
Also housed here are the Portraits of the Sailor Senshi, The Zodiac Senshi, and the Moon Senshi from Usagi's SM series.  


Wings of Love

Please alert me to any missing websites or dead links!


Edionan Blossoms
Senshi Alliance RPG
Rainbow Days
Vanessa's Senshi Realm
The Solar Knight
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