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About Me

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G'day, I'm Aello Blu and webmaster of this Otaku Senshi shrine and tutorial site.  

I'm an old fella of the otaku senshi fandom who discovered the internet in the early 2000's the height of Sailor Moon OC mania. I was so excited to discover that I wasn't the only one scribbling in notebooks about their supah awsum Sailer Satern.


Imagine my thrill when a twelve year old Blu found the internet that there was a whole world of other people who did the same thing I did! The early internet was a wild, wild place full of otaku senshi! A crazy place trying scrimp episodes, read fan translations and figure out what it meant to be a Sailor Guardian. 


Here to help you join the Otaku Senshi community with an OC uniquely yours while also fitting into the world Naoko created. 


This website looks at different aspects that make an otaku senshi, examine the rules and tropes and then offer tools and resources to come to your own conclusion.  


I also have to point out that my way is not THE WAY. You are more than welcome to take what you like, leave what you don’t and come to your own conclusions. I invite everyone talk in the comments, debate your own theories and make your own senshi. My goal is to bring the thrill and joy of inserting yourself into the Sailor Moon World we love together,


I’m Aello Blu and unfortunately an adult, working six days a week as a veterinary technician. I am mostly exhausted, but most active on the Otaku Senshi Alliance Discord and Deviantart on Sundays.


I'm an old fart, Mary-Sue maker, colouring book colourist, screencap editor, fanarter, fanficcer, rper, reviewer and above all an otaku senshi evolutionist and enthusiast.   and welcome you into the fold.  



Edionan Blossoms
Senshi Alliance RPG
Rainbow Days
Vanessa's Senshi Realm
The Solar Knight
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