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Exo Stars

Absolutno, a star of the Lynx Constellation. It is named after the fictional mystical source of energy in The Factory for the Absolute.

Acamar, a part of the Eridanus Constellation. It comes from the Arabic phrase ‘Akhir an-nahr’, meaning ‘the end of the river’. 

Achernar, the brightest star of the Eridanus constellation and ninth brightest in the night sky. It comes from the Arabic phrase ākhir an-nahr, meaning “the end of the river.”

Achird, a star part of a binary star system in constellation Cassiopeia. The origin of the name is unknown.

Acrab, a star located in the constellation Scorpius. The name is derived from the Arabic al-‘Aqrab, meaning “the scorpion.”

Acrux, the brightest star in the southern constellation Crux. The name is a contraction of the words Alpha and Crux.

Acubens, a star in the constellation of Cancer. The name is derived from the Arabic al zubanāh, meaning “the claws.”

Adhafera, a star in the constellation of Leo. It is also described as the Blade of the Sickle. The name comes from the Arabic aḍ-ḍafīrah, meaning ‘the braid’ or ‘the curl’.

Adhara, a binary star in the constellation of Canis Major with Adara. It is the brightest star in ultraviolet light. The name is derived from the Arabic ‘aðāra’, meaning ‘virgins’.

Adhil, a star in the constellation of Andromeda. The name comes from the Arabic að-ðayl, meaning “the train/tail (of a garment).”

Ain, a double star in the constellation of Taurus, and is Arabic for ‘eye’. It has an exoplanet named Amateru, named for the Shinto sun goddess, Amaterasu. 

Ainalrami, a star in the constellation of Sagittarius and a part of a triple Star System. The name is derived from the Arabic phrase ain al-rāmī, which means ‘the eye of the archer’.

Aladfar, a binary star in the constellation of Lyra. The name comes from the Arabic al-ʼuẓfur, meaning ‘the talons (of the swooping eagle)’.

Alasia, a star in the constellation of Serpens. It has an exo-planet named Onasilos, named after an ancient physician. 

Albaldah, a star a part of a triple star system in the constellation of Sagittarius. Its name in Arabic means ‘the town’.

Albali, a star in the constellation of Aquarius. The name is derived from the Arabic albāli‘, which is a shortened version of ‘the brightest of luck of the swallower’.

Albireo, a double star in the constellation of Cygnus. Its name means ‘hens beak’ and is sometimes known as the ‘beak star’.

Alchiba, a star in the constellation of Corvus. The name is derived from the Arabic al-xibā, meaning ‘the tent’.

Alcor, a binary star in the constellation of Ursa major and the companion star of Mizar. The name comes from the Arabic al-Khawwar, which means ‘the faint one’.

Alcyone, a star in the constellation of Taurus and the brightest in the Pleiades cluster. Named after one of the Greek Pleiades who was drowned with her lover Ceyx and transformed into kingfishers. Her name means ‘peaceful time’. 

Aldebaran, the brightest star in the constellation of Taurus. It has an exo-planet several times the mass of Jupiter. The name is derived from the Arabic al Dabarān, which means ‘the follower,’ because the star appears to follow the Pleiades across the sky.

Alderamin, a star in the constellation of Cepheus meaning ‘the right arm’. It is only 49 light years away from earth and is expected to be Earth’s next polestar. It, along with the stars Alfirk and Alkidr were known as l-Kawākib al-Firq, meaning ‘the Stars of the Flock’.

Aldhanab, a star in the constellation of Grus. The name comes from the Arabic al-dhanab, meaning “the tail,” and refers to the tail of the Southern Fish (Piscis Austrinus). It is also known in Chinese as 敗臼 (Bài Jiù), First Star of Decayed Mortar constellation.

Aldhibah, a star in the constellation of Draco. The name is the feminine form of the Arabic al-dhiʼb, “the wolf.” However it is also known as Athebyne meaning Giant Star. It is also mentioned in Hindu texts as Tara, a celestial goddess of the night sky married to the ‘star’ Jupiter.

Aldulfin, a solitary star in the constellation of Delphinus. The name comes from the Arabic phrase ðanab ad-dulfīn, meaning “the dolphin’s tail.”

Alfirk, the main star in the constellation of Cepheus. It, along with the stars Alderamin and Alkidr were known as l-Kawākib al-Firq, meaning ‘the Stars of the Flock.’

Algedi, a star in the constellation of Capricornus. The name comes from the Arabic al-jadii, ‘the goat’.

Algenib, a star in the constellation of Pegasus. The name is derived from the Arabic al-janb, meaning ‘the side’.

Algieba, a star in the constellation of Leo. The name comes from the Arabic Al-Jabhah, meaning ‘the forehead’.

Algol, a three star system in the constellation of Perseus and also known as the Ghoul, the Demon Star or Head of the Ogre. It is one of the oldest recorded stars in the Egyptian Calendar. It was associated with the Gorgons in the Greek astrological charts and called Satan’s Head in Hebrew folklore. In Chinese asterisms it was called Zhi Shī, meaning ‘Piled up Corpses’.

Algorab, a star in the constellation of Corvus. The name comes from the Arabic al-ghuraab, meaning ‘the crow.’ In Chinese it's called, Zhěn Sù, meaning ‘Chariot’.

Alhena, a star in the constellation of Gemini. The name comes from the Arabic Al Han’ah, meaning ‘the brand’, and refers to the brand on the camel’s neck. It was also called Al Maisan meaning ‘the shining one’.

Alioth, a star in the constellation of Ursa Major. The name comes from the Arabic phrase alyat al-hamal, meaning ‘the sheep’s fat tail.’ This star was known to the Hindus as Añgiras, one of the Seven Rishis/Enlightened Ones.

Alkaid, a star in the constellation of Ursa Major. It means ‘leader’ and is also known as Benetnasch and one of the ‘daughters of the bier’ or ‘mourning maidens’ stargroup with Mizar and Alioth. The Hindus knew this star as Marīci, one of the Seven Rishis.

Alkalurops, a star in the constellation of Bootes. The name comes from the Greek ‘kalaurops’, which means ‘a herdsman’s staff’.

Al Khafrah, a star in the constellation of Ursa Major. Alkaphrah is a corruption of the traditional name Alkafzah, derived from the Arabic al-qafzah, meaning ‘the leap’.

Alkarab, a star in the constellation of Pegasus. Alkarab is derived from the star’s traditional Arabic name, Al Karab, which means ‘the bucket-rope’.

Alkes, a star in the constellation of Crater. The name comes from the Arabic alkās, meaning ‘the cup’.

Almaaz, a star in the constellation of Auriga. The name is derived from the Arabic Al Maʽaz, meaning ‘the billy goat’.

Almach, a quadruple star system in the constellation of Andromeda. It’s traditional name, derived from the Arabic al-‘anāq, meaning ‘the caracal’.

Alnair, the brightest star in the constellation of Grus. The name means “the bright one” in Arabic. It is derived from the phrase ‘the bright one from the (southern) fish’s tail’.

Alnasl, a star in the constellation of Sagittarius. The name comes from the Arabic word al-naşl, meaning “arrowhead.”

Alnilam, the central star in Orion’s Belt. Its name means ‘arrangement of pearls’ but may be a mis-translation of al-nilam meaning 'sapphire'.

Alnitak, a triple star system in the constellation of Orion. The name comes from the Arabic an-niṭāq, meaning ‘the girdle’.

Alniyat, a multiple star system in the constellation of Scorpius. The name comes from the Arabic al-niyāţ, meaning ‘the arteries’.

Alphard, the brightest star in the constellation Hydra. The name is derived from the Arabic al-fard, meaning ‘the solitary one’. It is also recorded as Soheil Solitarius in Latin. 

Alphecca, is a binary star system, the brightest in the constellation of Corona Borealis. It is also known as Gemma (Latin for Jewel) Gnosia (Greek for knowledge) and Asteroth in Hebrew, an alternate spelling for a Great Duke of Hell. 

Alpheratz, a binary star system and the brightest constellation of Andromeda. It was also recorded under the name Sirrah meaning navel of the mare. It is described as one of Three Guides, with Beta Cassiopeae and Gamma Pegasi. Those born under this asterism are blessed with honour and riches. 

Alpherg, a star in the constellation of Pisces. The name comes from the Arabic ‘al fargh’, meaning ‘the spout’ or ‘the outpouring of water’.

Alrakis, a star in the constellation of Draco. It was also recorded under the name Arrakis ‘the trotting camel’ or Alraqis, the dancing one. 

Alrescha, a binary star system in the constellation of Pisces, Ukdah, Kaitain and Okda. The name comes from the Arabic word for ‘the cord’, or ‘the knot’.

Alruba, a star in the constellation of Draco barely visible with the naked eye. The name comes from the Arabic ‘Al Rubaʽ, meaning ‘the foal’.

Alsafi, a star in the constellation of Draco. The name is derived from an erroneous transcription of the Arabic word Athāfiyy, designating the tripods of nomads open-air kitchens. 

Alsciaukat, a star in the constellation of Lynx. The name comes from the Arabic word meaning ‘the thorn’. It was also recorded as Al-Mabsūtah "the outstretched paw’.

Alsephina, a triple star system in the constellation of Vela. It is only 80 light years from Earth and name means ‘the ship’ and may allude to Argo Navis, the ship of the Argonauts. 

Alshain, a triple star system in the constellation of Aquila. Its traditional name means ‘peregrine falcon’.

Alshat, a binary star system in the constellation of Capricornus. The name is derived from the Arabic aš-šā, meaning ‘the sheep’.

Altair, the brightest star in the constellation of Altair. Its name means ‘flying eagle’. 

Altais, a star in the constellation of Draco. The name comes from the Arabic Al Tāis, meaning ‘the goat’.

Alterf, a star in the constellation of Leo. The name is derived from the Arabic aṭ-ṭarf, meaning ‘the view’ and referring to the view of a lion.

Aludra, a star in the constellation of Canis Major. The name comes from the Arabic word, meaning ‘the virgin’.

Alula Australis, a double star in the constellation of Ursa Major. The word Alula comes from the Arabic phrase, meaning ‘the first spring’ and Australis is Latin for ‘southern’. 

Alula Borealis, a star in the constellation of Ursa Major. The word Alula comes from the Arabic phrase, meaning ‘the first spring’ and the word Australis is Latin for ‘northern’.

Alya, a triple star system in the constellation of the constellation Serpens. Alya is translated as ‘fat tail of the sheep. It was also recorded as Dzaneb al Haiyet, which was translated into Latin as Cauda Serpentis, meaning 'the serpent's tail'.

Alzirr, a star in the constellation of Gemini. Alzirr is derived from the Arabic meaning ‘the button’.

Aljanah, a multiple star system in the constellation of Cygni. It was previously recorded as Gienah meaning ‘the Wing’.

Amadioha, a star in the constellation of Canis Major. Amadioha is named after the Igbo god of thunder. It is orbited by a Jovian sized planet. 

Amansinaya, a star in the constellation of Crater. It is named after the trinity deities of the Tagalog mythology representing a primordial ocean deity and its planet is named Haik, also a sea god. 

Anadolu, a star in the constellation of Pegasus. It is named after a region in Asia Minor and its primary planet Göktürk was one of its states. 

Ancha, a star in the constellation of Ancha. Its name means ‘haunch’ in Medieval Latin.

Angetenar, a star in the constellation of Eridanus. Its name means ‘bend in the river’.

Aniara, a star in the constellation of Ursa Major. It is named after a spaceship in a Swedish poem. 

Ankaa, a binary star system in the constellation of Phoenix. Its name means ‘the phoenix’.

Anser, a star in the constellation of Vulpecula. Its name comes from the folkloric story of the Little Fox and the Goose.

Antares, the brightest star in the constellation of Scorpius. It’s named as ‘rival to Ares’ but is also known as ‘The Heart of the Scorpion’ and associated with the Sumarian mother goddess Lisin.

Arcalis, a star in the constellation of Bootes. Arcalis is the name of a peak in northern Andorra that was used as a primitive solar calendar by the early inhabitants of Andorra. HD 131496 b, a planet orbiting the star, was named Madriu, after a glacial valley and a river that runs through it in south-eastern Andorra.

Arcturus, the brightest star in the constellation of Bootes. Arcturus comes from the Ancient Greek, which means ‘the guardian of the bear’. The bear in question is represented by the constellation Ursa Major. Because of its brightness it is prominent in many myths across the world.It was linked to the Mesopotamian god Enlil and Polynesians knew it asHōkūleʻa, the ‘Star of Joy’. 

Arkab Posterior, a star in the constellation of Sagittarius. Its name means Achilles Tendon and ‘rear’.

Arkab Prior, a star in the constellation of Sagittarius. Its name means Achilles Tendon and fore.

Arneb, the brightest star in the constellation of Lepus also known as Alpha Lepus. The name comes from the Arabic arnab, meaning ‘hare’. 

Ascella, a triple star system in the constellation of Sagittarius. The name means ‘armpit’ in Latin.

Asellus Australis, a binary star in the constellation of Cancer. The name means ‘the southern donkey colt’ in Latin.

Asellus Borealis, a binary star in the constellation of Cancer. The name is Latin for ‘the northern donkey colt’.

Ashlesha, a star in the constellation of Hydra. The star was named after a lunar mansion, Āśleṣā, in Hindu astronomy. The name means ‘the embrace’ in Sanskrit. Also known as the Naga or the Clinging Star and associated with the snake. 

Aspidiske, one of the brightest stars in the southern sky and a part of the Carina constellation. Aspidiske is the Greek word for ‘little shield’.

Asterope, a double star system in the constellation of Taurus and a part of the Pleiades Star Cluster Asterope. It was named after one of the Pleiades sisters in Greek mythology. Her name means ‘starry faced’.

Atakoraka, a star in the constellation of Canis Major. Atakoraka is the largest mountain range in Togo. It has an exoplanet named Agouto, after the highest mountain in the country.

Athebyne, a binary star system in the Draco constellation. The name comes from the Arabic al-dhiʼbayn, which means ‘the wolves’ and refers to two wolves sneaking up on the camel’s foal, represented by Alruba.

Atik, a star in the constellation of Perseus. Atik is the Arabic word for ‘the shoulder’. 

Atlas, a star in the constellation of Taurus. The star was named after the Titan, the father of the seven Pleiades in Greek mythology. It is one of the nine brightest stars in the Pleiades cluster.

Atria, the brightest star in the constellation of Triangulum Australis. Atria is a contraction of the star’s Bayer designation, Alpha Trianguli Australis.

Avior, a double star in the constellation of Carina. It was one of the navigational stars from The Air Almanack. 

Axólotl, a star in the constellation of Cetus. The Nahuatla name for the Mexican Walking Fish. It has an orbiting planet named Xólotl, after the Aztec god of lightning, associated with Venus, the evening star.

Ayeyarwady, a star within the borders of the Eridanus constellation. It was named after the largest river in Myanmar. It has an orbiting planet named Bagan named after one of its ancient cities. 

Azelfafage, a star in the constellation of Cygnus. Its name may mean ‘The Horse Track.’ It may also mean ‘Tail of the Hen’ for its position in Cygnus.

Azha, a star in the constellation of Eridanus. Its name means ‘The Hatching Place of the Ostrich’, and was part of an ancient constellation.

Azmidi, a star in the constellation of Eridanus. The star was once known as Asmidiske or Azmidiske, and miscopied in mediaeval manuscripts. Its name means ‘From the Ostrich Nest’.

Baekdu, a star in the constellation of Ursa Minor. The star was named after the highest mountain on the Korean peninsula, located in North Korea. A planet orbiting the star, was named Halla, after the highest mountain in South Korea, regarded as a sacred place.

Barnard’s Star, the fourth closest star to Earth in the constellation of Ophiuchus and is 6 light years away from Earth. It's named after the astronomer E. E. Barnard. There is potentially one super Earth planet that has been detected in its orbit.

Baten Kaitos, a binary star system in the constellation of Cetus. The name comes from the Arabic phrase ‘batn qaytus’, meaning “the belly of the sea monster.”

Beemim, a star in the constellation Eridanus. Its name may be a corruption of the Hebrew Bamma’yim, meaning ‘in the water’.

Beid, a star in the constellation of Eridanus. The name is derived from the Arabic bayḍ, meaning “eggs.”

Belel, a star in the constellation of Sagittarius. Belel is a rare source of water in the northern part of the country. HD 181342 b, a planet orbiting the star, was named Dopere, where Belel was once located.

Bélénos, a star in the constellation of Pisces. The star was named after the god of the Sun, light and health in Gaulish mythology. A planet orbiting the star, was named Bélisama, after the Gaulish goddess of fire, metallurgy and glasswork.

Bellatrix, a star in the constellation of Orion. The name comes from the Latin bellātrix, meaning ‘female warrior’. It was previously called the Amazon Star, and the Arabic name Alnajid, ‘The Conqueror’. 

Berehinya, a star in the constellation of Perseus. The star was named after the Slavic hearth mother, goddess of the waters and protectress of the home. Its orbiting planet is Tryzub, after an ancient national symbol of Ukraine.

Betelgeuse, the second brightest star in the constellation of Orion. Its name is a corruption of the Arabic meaning ‘the hand of al-Jauzā’. 

Bharani, a star in the constellation of Aries. The star was named after a Hindu lunar mansion. The word bharaṇī means ‘the bearer’. It is described as a Cruel or Active nakshatra and associated with Yama or Kali, gods of death. 

Bibhā, a star in the constellation of Sextans. Its name means ‘a bright beam of light’. Its orbiting planet is called Santamasa, which is Sanskrit for ‘cloudy’.

Bosona, a star in the constellation of Pegasus. The name Sa’d al Bahaim, which means ‘good luck of the two beasts’.

Botein, a star in the constellation of Aries. The name is a corruption of Al Baṭn, which means ‘the belly’.

Brachium, a binary star in the constellation of Libra. Brachium means ‘the arm’ in Arabic but has also been previously known as Comu ‘the horn’.

Bubup, a star in the constellation of Mensa. Bubup is the Australian Boonwurrung word for ‘child’. Its orbiting planet Yanyan is the Boonwurrung word for ‘boy’.

Buna, a star in the constellation of Andromeda. Buna is the commonly used word for coffee in Ethiopia and its orbiting planet Abol, is the word for a traditional Ethiopian coffee ceremony.

Bunda, a binary star in the constellation of Aquarius. It is named after the Persian lunar mansion. It is also known as "the Luck of Lucks".

Canopus, is a part of the constellation of Carina and the second brightest star in the night sky. It is named after the pilot of Argos Navis, the ship of the Argonauts. Its name may also be related to the Egyptian Coptic Kahi Nub, meaning ‘Golden Earth’. 

Capella, the brightest star in the constellation of Auriga. Its name is derived from the latin word Capra meaning ‘female goat’. It has been historically used for determining weather rules and determining seasonal wind direction. 

Caph, a star in the constellation of Cassiopeia. The name is derived from the Arabic kaf, meaning ‘palm’, short for ‘the stained hand’ and depicted with a henna inked hand. 

Castor, a second brightest star in the constellation of Gemini. Although it appears as a singular star it is a sextuple star system with three binary pairs. It is one of the heavenly twins of Gemini alongside Pollux.

Castula, a star in the constellation of Cassiopeia. Castula is Latin for “petticoat.”

Cebalrai, a star in the constellation Ophiuchus. The name comes from the Arabic phrase kalb al-rā‘ī, meaning ‘the shepherd’s dog’.

Ceibo, a star in the constellation of Chamaeleon. It is named after the national flower of Uruguay and has an orbiting planet named Ibirapitá after its native tree.

Celaeno, a star in the constellation Taurus and a part of the Pleiades Cluster. It's described as ‘the lost Pleiad.’ Its name means ‘the dark one’.

Cervantes, a star in the constellation of Ara. It is named after the author of Don Quixote with four known exoplanets named Quijote, Dulcinea, Rocinante and Sancho, after Cervantes’ characters.

Chalawan, a star in the constellation of Ursa Major. It’s named after the Thai crocodile king with two exoplanets named Taphao Thong and Taphao Kaew, after two sisters in a Thai folktale.

Chamukuy, a star in the constellation of Taurus. The name means “small bird” in the Yucatec Maya language.

Chaophraya, a star in the constellation of Eridanus. It is named after the largest river system of Thailand. It has an orbiting Maeping, one of the river's tributaries. 

Chara, a star in the constellation of Canes Venatici (the Hunting Dogs). It is the Greek word for Joy. 

Chasoň, a star in the constellation of Lyra. The name is the ancient Slovak term for the Sun. It has an orbiting planet Kráľomoc, which is an ancient Slovak term for the planet Jupiter.

Chechia, a star in the constellation of Aquila. It’s named after the national headdress of Tunisia. Its orbiting planet is Khomsa, a palm-shaped amulet that is popular in Tunisia.

Chertan, a star in the constellation of Leo. The name comes from the Arabic phrase al-kharātān, meaning “two small ribs.” It has historically been known as Chertan, Chort or Coxa.

Citadelle, a star in the constellation of Pisces. It is named after a large mountaintop fortress in Nord, one of the departments of Haiti. Its orbiting planet is named Indépendance, in honour of the Haitian Declaration of Independence.

Citalá, a star in the constellation of Monoceros. Citalá means ‘river of stars’ in the native Nahuat language. HD 52265 b, a planet orbiting the star, was named Cayahuanca, which is Nahuat for “the rock looking at the stars.”

Cocibolca, a star in the constellation of Sculptor. It is named after the largest lake in Central Central America, situated in Nicaragua. It has an exo-planetXolotlan, which is the Nahualt name for the second largest lake in Nicaragua.

Copernicus, a star in the constellation of Cancer. It is named after the astronomer Nicolaus Copernicius. It has five planets named Galileo, Brahe, Lipperhey, Janssen and Harriot.

Cor Caroli, a binary star in the constellation of Canes Venatici. Its name means Charles’s Heart, in honour of King Charles the First of England. 

Cujam, a binary star system in the constellation of Hercules. Cujam is Latin for ‘club’, aka the club of Hercules.

Cursa, a star in the constellation of Eridanus. Its name means ‘The Footstool’, in reference to the constellation Orion.

Dabih, a star in the constellation of Capricorn. The name comes from the Arabic al-dhābiḥ, meaning ‘the butcher’.

Dalim, a star in the constellation of Fornax. The name comes from the Arabic al-ẓalīm, meaning ‘ostrich’.

Deneb, a star in the constellation of Cygnus. Its name comes from ‘the tail of the hen’.

Deneb Algedi, a star in the constellation of Capricorn. Its name means ‘tail of the goat’.

Denebola, a star in the constellation of Leo. Its name means ‘tail of the lion’.

Diadem, a star in the constellation of Coma Berenices also known as Alpha Comae Berenices. Its name is in reference to the crown of Queen Berenice. Its Arabic name was Al Dafirah, meaning ‘the braid’.

Dingolay, a star within the borders of the Leo constellation. Dingolay means to 'dance, twist and turn in elaborate movements'. Its orbiting planet is named Ramajay, which means to sing and make music in a steelpan style.

Diphda, the brightest star in the constellation of Cetus. Its name comes the Arabic ‘aṯ-ṯānī, meaning ‘the second frog’.

Dìwö, a star in the constellation of Scorpius.Dìwö means “the sun” in Bribri language. Its orbiting planet is named Ditsö̀, the name of the first Bribri people.

Diya, a star in the constellation of Fornax. It is named after an oil lamp used by Mauritius for special occasions such as the light festival of Diwali. Its orbiting planet is Cuptor, named after a traditional clay oven. 

Dofida, a star in the constellation of Centaurus. Its name means ‘Our Star’ in Nias. It also has an orbiting planet named Noifasui, which means ‘to revolve.’

Dombay, a star in the constellation of Ursa Major. It is named after a North Caucasus region rich in forests and wildlife, particularly bears. It has an orbiting planet named Terberda named after a rapidly flowing river in the region.

Dschubba, a star in the constellation of Scorpius. The name is probably derived from the Arabic Al Jabhah, meaning ‘the forehead’. 

Dubhe, a star in the constellation of Ursa Major. Its name is Arabic for bear, or ‘back of the bear’ in reference to its position.

Dziban, a triple star system in the constellation Draconis. The name comes from the Arabic Adh-Dhi’ban, meaning ‘the two wolves’ or “the two jackals.”

Ebla, a star in the constellation of Pisces. It's named after the earliest kingdoms of Syria. It has an orbiting planet named Ugarit, Ebla’s main city. 

Edasich, a star in the constellation Draconis. Its name comes from Aldhiba, meaning ‘male hyena.’ It has an orbiting planet named Hypatia, the Greek philosopher. 

Electra, a star in the constellation of Taurus and part of the Pleiades cluster. It is named after the Greek Pleiades sisters. Her name means ‘amber’ or ‘incandescent’.

Elgafar, a binary star in the constellation of Virgo. Its name comes from Alghafir which means ‘to protect’ and is related to the Persian mansion ‘The Ibex’.

Elkurud, a star in the constellation of Columba. Its name comes from the Arabic meaning ‘the Solitary Ones’.

Elnath, a star in the constellation of Taurus. Its name means ‘The Bulls Horns’. Elnath marks the tip of the Bull’s northern horn.

Eltanin, a star in the constellation Drac. Its name comes from the Arabic ‘At-Tinnin’, meaning “the great serpent.” It is described as one of the dragon’s fiery eyes alongside Rastaban.

Emiw, a star in the constellation of Tuscana. Its name means ‘love’ in Mozambique. Its orbiting planet is Hairu meaning ‘unity’.

Enif, a star in the constellation of Pegasus. Its name means ‘nose’, representing the muzzle of Pegasus.

Errai, a binary star system in the constellation of Cepheus. Its name is Arabic for ‘The Shepherd’.

Fafnir, a star in the constellation of Draco. It is named after a Norse dwarf who turned into a dragon. It has an orbiting planet known as Orbitar.

Fang, a triple star system in the constellation of Scorpius. Fang comes from the Chinese name for the star, 房宿一 (Fáng Xiù yī), meaning “the First Star of Room.”

Fawaris, a binary star system in the constellation of Cygnus,. It comes from the Arabic name al-Fawāris, meaning ‘the riders’.

Felis, the brightest star in the obsolete constellation of Felis. Its name means Felis.

Felixvarela, a star in the constellation of Cetus. It is named after the first science teacher of Cuba, Felix Varela. 

Flegetonte, a star in the constellation of Virgo. Its name is a corruption of the Greek underworld river of fire, Phlegethon. It has an orbiting planet named Lete, a corruption of the underworld river of oblivion Lethe.

Fomalhaut, a star in the constellation of Piscis Austrinus. Its name means ‘mouth of the fish’.

Formosa, a star in the constellation of Leo. It was the historical name of Taiwan and the Latin word for ‘beautiful’. It has an orbiting planet named Sazum meaning water. 

Franz, a star in the constellation of Hercules. It's named after an Austrian emperor from the film Sissi. It also has an orbiting planet named Sissi, after the film’s empress. 

Fulu, a star in the constellation of Cassopeia, also known. Fulu is the star’s traditional name in China. It means “auxiliary road.”

Fumalsamakah, a star in the constellation Pisces. Its name comes from the Arabic meaning “the mouth of the fish.”

Funi, a star in the constellation of Draco. It comes from the old Icelandic word for ‘Fire’ or ‘Blaze’. It has an orbiting planet named Fold which is old Icelandic for ‘Earth’.

Furud, a star in the constellation of Canis Major. The name comes from the Arabic al-furūd, meaning ‘the solitary ones’. 

Fuyue, a star in the constellation of Scorpius. The star’s traditional Chinese name was Fu Yue was a labourer who went on to become a high-ranking minister under the King Wu Ding of the Shang dynasty.

Gacrux, a star in the constellation of Crux. The name is a contraction of the words Gamma and Crux.

Gakyid, a star in the constellation of Cancer. Its name comes from the Bhutanese word for ‘happiness’. It has an orbiting star named “Drukyul’ means ‘land of the thunder dragon’, Bhutan’s official name. 

Geminga, a neutron star in the constellation of Gemini. Its name is a contraction of Gemini Gamma Ray Source. It also means ‘It's Not There’ in the Milanese Dialect.

Giausar, a star in the constellation of Draco. Its name means ‘tail of the dragon’.

Gienah, a star in the constellation of Corvus. It shares its name with Epsilon Cygni which also means wing. 

Ginan, a star in the constellation of Crux. Its name comes from Australia’s Wardaman creation myth. It refers to the red dillybag containing songs of knowledge, the Bag of Songs. 

Gloas, a star in the constellation of Lynx. Gloas means ‘to shine’ in Manx Gaelic. It has a planet named ‘Cruinlagh’ which means to orbit.

Gomeisa, a star in the constellation of Canis Minor. Its name means ‘bleary eyed woman’.

Grumium, a star in the constellation of Draco. The name is a corruption of the Latin word Grunnum, meaning ‘snout’. Ptolemy described the star’s position as being on the jawbone of the dragon (Draco).

Gudja, a star in the constellation of Serpens. Gudja is the star’s traditional name meaning ‘water goanna’.

Gumala, a star in the constellation of Sagittarius. Gumala is a Malay word that refers to a magic bezoar stone found in the bellies of snakes and dragons. It has a planet named ‘Mastika’ which means ‘gem’ or ‘jewel’ in Malay.

Guniibuu, a star in the constellation of Ophiuchus. It’s named after the mythological robin red-breast bird in Australian mythology.

Hadar, a star in the constellation of Beta Centauri. The name is Arabic for “the settled land”.

Haedus, a star in the constellation of Auriga. Latin for ‘kid’ or ‘baby goat’.

Hamal, a star in the constellation of Aries. Its name is Arabic for ‘Head of the Ram.’

Hassaleh, a star in the constellation of Auriga. The origin of its name is unknown. 

Hatysa, a star in the constellation of Orion. The origin of its name is unknown.

Helvetios, a star in the constellation of Pegasus. Its name comes from a Celtic Tribe. It has an exoplanet named Dimidium, the Latin word for ‘half’.

Heze, a star in the constellation of Virgo. The origin of its name is unknown.

Hoggar, a star in the constellation of Taurus. It was named after a mountain range in the Sahara Desert. It has an exoplanet named Tassili, a world heritage site.

Homam, a star in the constellation of Pegasus. Its name means ‘man of high spirit’ or ‘lucky star of the high minded.’

Horna, a star in the constellation of Triangulum. It is named after the Finnish underworld. It has an orbiting star named ‘Hiisi’, the evil spirits of Finnish lore. 

Hunahpú, a star in the constellation of Crater. It is named after the Sun of Mayan mythology. It has an orbiting planet named Ixbalanqué, named after his twin, the Moon.

Hunor, a star in the constellation of Hercules. Named after the legendary ancestor of Hungary. It has an exoplanet named Magor, Hunor’s brother.

Iklil, a star in the constellation of Scorpius. Its name means ‘the crown’.

Illyrian, a star in the constellation of Leo Minor. It is named after the ancient people of the Balkan’s region. It has an exoplanet named Arber, the ancient people of Albania.

Imai, a star in the constellation of Crux. The traditional name of the Ethiopian Muri people.

Inquill, a star in the constellation. Named after the Incan legend of ‘Way to the Sun’. It has an exoplanet named, Sumajmajta, named after the story’s love interest.

Intan, a star in the constellation of Fornax. Named after the Maylay word for Diamond. It has an exoplanet named Baiduri which means ‘opal’.

Intercrus, a star in the constellation of Ursa Major. Its name is Latin for ‘between the legs.’ It has an exoplanet named Arkas, the son of Callisto in Greek mythology.

Irena, a star in the constellation of Hercules. Named after the Slovenian character of ‘Under the Free Sun.’ It has an exoplanet named Iztok, another character in the story.

Itonda, a star in the constellation of Grus. Its name means ‘beautiful’ in the Myene tongue. It has an exoplanet named Mintome, the mythical land where warriors live.

Izar, a star in the constellation of Boötes. Its name means ‘veil’.

Jabbah, a star in the constellation of Scorpius. Its name means ‘crown of the forehead.’

Jishui, a star in the constellation of Gemini, also known as Omicron Geminorum. Its name comes from the Chinese asterism meaning ‘accumulated water.’

Kaffaljidhma, a star in the constellation of Cetus. Its name is Arabic for ‘the cut-short hand’.

Kalausi, a star in the constellation of Vela. Its name means ‘very strong whirling wind’ in the Kenyan language of Dholuo. It has an exoplanet whose name means ‘dust.’

Kamuy, a star in the constellation of Corona Borealis. Its name comes from a Japanese entity of spiritual energy. It has an exoplanet named Chura, meaning natural beauty.

Kang, a star in the constellation of Virgo. Its name means ‘neck’ from the Chinese asterism.

Karaka, a star in the constellation of Apus. Its name comes from an orange fruit eaten by the Maori people. It has an orbiting star named Kererū after a native pigeon.

Kaus Australis, a star in the constellation of Sagittarius. Its name means ‘southern bow’, marking the tip of the southern Archer’s Bow.

Kaus Borealis, a star in the constellation of Sagittarius. Its name means ‘northern bow’, marking the northern tip of the Archer’s Bow.

Kaus Media, a star in the constellation of a star in the constellation of Sagittarius. Its name means middle bow’, marking the middle of the Archer’s Bow.

Kaveh, a star in the constellation of Serpens. It is named after the Persian hero Shahnameh. It has an exoplanet named Kavian, the banner carried by the hero.

Keid, a star in the constellation of Eridanus. Its name is Arabic for eggshells.

Khambalia, a star in the constellation of Virgo. The origin of its name is unknown. 

Kitalpha, a star in the constellation of Equuleus. Its name is Arabic for ‘part of the horse’.

Kochab, a star in the constellation of Ursa Minor. The origin of its name is uncertain. It may be derived from the Hebrew word meaning ‘star’ or Arabic word for ‘the riders’.

Koeia, a star in the constellation of Eridanus. Its name comes from the Caribbean word for ‘star. It has an exoplanet named Aumatex, named after the Taino people’s god of wind.

Koit, a star in the constellation of Lynx. Its name comes from the Estonian word for ‘dawn’. It has an exoplanet named Hämarik, the word for Twilight.

Kornephoros, a star in the constellation of Hercules. Its name comes from the Greek word for ‘club bearer’.

Kraz, a star in the constellation of Corvus. The Origin of its name is unknown.

Kurhah, a star in the constellation of Cepheus. Its name means ‘white spot’ and comes from the blaze markings of a horse.

La Superba, a star in the constellation of Canes Venatici. Its name is Italian for ‘The Superb One.’

Larawag, a star in the constellation of Scorpius. Its name is derived from the Australian Wardaman meaning ‘clear sighting’.

Lerna, a star in the constellation of Hydra. It's named after the sea where the Hydra lived. It has an exoplanet named ‘Iolaus’, named after Heracles' nephew.

Lesath, a star in the constellation of Scorpius. Its name is Arabic for ‘bite of a poisonous animal.’

Libertas, a star in the constellation of Aquila. It’s Latin for liberty, as the eagle is often used as a symbol of freedom. It has an exoplanet named ‘Fortitudo’, meaning fortitude.

Lich, a pulsar in the constellation of Virgo. It’s named after an undead creature. It has orbiting planets named Draugr, Poltergeist and Phobetor, all undead creatures. 

Liesma, a star in the constellation of Ursa Major. Its name means ‘flame’ and is named after a famous Latvian poem. It has an exoplanet named Staburags, another character from the poem which means ‘rock.’

Lilii Borea, a star in the constellation of Aries. Once a part of the obsolete constellation the Lily. Its name means ‘north of the lilium’.

Lionrock, a star in the constellation of Aquarius. It is named after the lion shaped peak overlocking Hong Kong. It has an exoplanet named Victoriapeak, the highest hill on Hong Kong island.

Lucilinburhuc, a star in the constellation of Auriga. It is named after the famed fortress of Luxembourg. It has an exoplanet named Peitruss, after the river that protects the fortress.

Lusitânia, a star in the constellation of Monoceros. It is named after a Roman province. It has an exoplanet named Viriato, a legendary hero.

Maasym, a star in the constellation of Hercules. Its name is Arabic for ‘the wrist’.

Macondo, a star in the constellation of Antlia. Named after the fictional village of One Hundred Years of Solitude’. It has an exoplanet named Melquiades, one of the characters.

Mago, a star in the constellation of Camelopardalis. Named after the Mago National Park of Ethiopia. It has an exoplanet named Neri after the river that runs through it.

Mahasim, a star in the constellation of Auriga. Its name is Arabic for ‘the wrist’.

Mahsati, a star in the constellation of Ophiuchus. Named after a Persian Poetess. It has an exoplanet named Ganja, Azerbaijan’s largest city.

Maia, a star in the constellation of Taurus. Named after one of the Pleiades of Greek mythology.

Malmok, a star in the constellation of Virgo. Named after an indigenous name of a beach of Aruba. It has an exo planet named Bocaprins, also a famous beach.

Marfik, a triple star system in the constellation of Ophiuchus. Its name means ‘the elbow’ as it marks the elbow of the constellation’s name ‘The Serpent Bearer’. 

Markab, a star in the constellation of Pegasus, meaning the ‘saddle of the horse’.

Markeb, a star in the constellation of Vela. Its name comes from the Arabic name ‘something to ride’.

Márohu, a star in the constellation of Aquarius. Named after the Taino god of drought and protector of the sun. It has an exoplanet named Boinyel, after the god of rain.

Marsic, a star in the constellation of Hercules. Its name means ‘the elbow’ in Arabic. 

Matar, a star in the constellation of Pegasus. Its name means ‘lucky star of rain.’

Mazaalai, a star in the constellation of Ursa Major. It is the Mongolian name of the endangered Gobi bear. It has an exoplanet named Bambaruush, the Mongolian name for the cub.

Mebsuta, a star in the constellation of Gemini. Its Arabic name means ‘the outstretched paw’.

Megrez, a star in the constellation of Ursa Major. Its name is Arabic for ‘the base’ or ‘the tail’, of the bear.

Meissa, a star in the constellation of Orion. Its name means ‘the shining one’.

Mekbuda, a star in the constellation of Gemini. Its name means ‘the lion’s paw’.

Meleph, a star in the constellation of Cancer. Its name is Arabic for ‘the stall’.

Menkalinan, a star in the constellation of Auriga. Its name is Arabic for ‘the shoulder of the rein-holder’.

Menkar, a star in the constellation of Cetus. Its name means ‘nostril’.

Menkent, a star in the constellation of Centaurus. Its name is Arabic for ‘shoulder’.

Menkib, a star in the constellation of Ursa Major. Its name is Arabic for ‘the shoulder’.

Merak, a star in the constellation of Ursa Major. Its name is Arabic for ‘the loins’.

Merga, a star in the constellation of Bootes. Its name is Arabic for ‘the chained woman’.

Meridiana, a star in the constellation of Corona Australis. Its name is Arabic for ‘the bright one of the broken’.

Merope, a star in the constellation of Taurus. She is named after a Pleiades sister. Her name means ‘with sparkling face’ or ‘bee-eater bird’. It is the faintest star because she was the only Pleiades who married and is often called ‘The Lost Star’.

Mesarthim, a star in the constellation of Aries. Its name has two meanings, ‘servants’ in Hebrew or ‘the very fat ram’ in Arabic. 

Miaplacidus, a star in the constellation of Carina. Its name is a combination of the Arabic word for ‘waters’ and the latin word for ‘placid’.

Mimosa, a star in the constellation of Crux. Its name is Latin for ‘mime’ or ‘actor’. 

Minchir, a star in the constellation of Hydra. Its name is Arabic for ‘nostril’. 

Minelauva, a star in the constellation of Virgo. Its name is Arabic for ‘the lunar mansion of the barker’.

Mintaka, a star in the constellation of Orion. Its name means ‘belt’.

Mira, a star in the constellation of Cetus. Its name is latin for ‘wonderful’.

Mirach, a star in the constellation of Andromeda. Its name is Arabic for ‘girdle’.

Miram, a star in the constellation of Perseus. Its name is unknown but may mean ‘drop of the sea’ or ‘beloved’.

Mirfak, a star in the constellation of Perseus. Its name is Arabic for ‘elbow’.

Mirzam, a star in the constellation of Canis Major. Its name means ‘the herald’. And refers to the star rising before Sirius.

Misam, a part of a triple star system in the constellation of Perseus. Its name means ‘wrist’.

Mizar, a star in the constellation of Ursa Major. Its name is Arabic for ‘covering’.

Moldoveanu, a star in the constellation of Corona Borealis. It is named after the highest peak in Romania. It has an exoplanet named Negoiu, after the second highest peak of Romania.

Mönch, a star in the constellation of Virgo. It is named after the highest peak of the Bernese Alps in Switzerland. It has an exoplanet named after another prominent peak.

Montuno, a star in the constellation of Eridanus. It is named after the traditional costume of the Panamian El Punto dance. It has an exoplanet named Pollera, named after the traditional women’s costume of the dance.

Morava, a star in the constellation of Pegasus. It is named after the longest river in Serbia. It has an exoplanet named Vlasina also named after a river.

Moriah, a star in the constellation of Leo. It is named after the mountain of Old Jerusalem. It has an exoplanet named Jebus, Jerusalem’s ancient name.

Mothallah, a star in the constellation of Triangulum. Its name is Arabic for ‘head of the triangle’.

Mouhoun, a star in the constellation of Eridanus.. It is named after the largest river in Burkina Faso. It has an exoplanet named Nakanbe, after its second largest river. 

Mpingo, a star in the constellation of Cetus. It's named after a famous tree that grows in Tanzania producing ebony wood for musical instruments. It has an exo-planet named Tanzanite after a precious stone mined in Tanzania. 

Muliphein, a star in the constellation of Canis Major. Its name has two meanings in Arabic, either ‘two things’ or ‘swearing an oath’.

Muphrid, a star in the constellation of Bootes. Its name means ‘one of the lancers’ in Arabic.

Muscida, a star in the constellation of Ursa Major. Its name is Latin for ‘muzzle’.

Musica, a star in the constellation of Delphinus. Its name is Latin for ‘music’. It has a gas planet named Arion, a Greek poet and musician whose life was saved by dolphins.

Muspelheim, a star in the constellation of Perseus. Named after the Norse realm of fire. It has an exoplanet named Surt, after the ruler of the Norse fire giants.

Nahn, a star in the constellation of Cancer. Its name means ‘nose’.

Naledi, a star in the constellation of Dorado,. Its name means ‘star in the South African Sesotho language. It has an exoplanet named Krotoa, an indigenous woman of the Khoi people known as ‘Mother of Africa’.

Naos, a star in the constellation of Puppis. It is one of the hottest, heaviest stars known and its name means ‘stern’ in Greek after the ship of Argo.

Nashira, a star in the constellation of Capricorn. Its name means ‘the lucky one’ or ‘bearer of good news’ in Arabic. 

Násti, a star in the constellation of Ursa Major. Its name means ‘star’ in the Sami language of Norway. It has an exoplanet named Albmi meaning ‘sky’.

Natasha, a star in the constellation of Vela. Its name means ‘thank you’ in the many languages of Zambia. It has an exoplanet named Madalitso, meaning ‘blessings’.

Nekkar, a star in the constellation of Bootes. Its name means ‘the Herdsman’ in Arabic.

Nembus, a star in the constellation of Andromeda. The origin of its name is unknown. 

Nenque, a star in the constellation of Phoenix. Its name means ‘sun’ in the Waorani language of the Amazonian tribe. It has an exoplanet named Eyeke meaning ‘near’.

Nervia, a star in the constellation of Auriga. Its name comes from an ancient Celtic tribe. It has an exoplanet named Eburonia, also a Celtic tribe.

Nihal, a star in the constellation of Lepus. Its name is Arabic for ‘quenching their thirst’. 

Nikawiy, a star in the constellation of Bootes. Its name means ‘mother’ in the Cree language. It has an exoplanet named Awasis, meaning ‘child’.

Nosaxa, a star in the constellation of Puppis. Its name means ‘spring’ in the Moqoit language. It has an exoplanet named Naqaya, meaning ‘brother’.

Nunki, a star in the constellation of Sagittarius. The meaning of its name is known but likely of Assyrian or Babylonian origin. 

Nusakan, a star in the constellation of Corona Borealis. Its name is Arabic meaning ‘two lines’.

Nushagak, a star in the constellation of Cassiopeia. It's named after an Alaskan river.It has an exoplanet named Mulchatna also named for a river. 

Nyamien, a star in the constellation of Centaurus. It is named after the creator deity of Akan mythology. It has an exoplanet named Asye, named after the Earth goddess.

Ogma, a star in the constellation of Hercules. It is named after the Celtic god of eloquence, writing and physical strength. It has an exoplanet named Smertrios, the god of war.

Okab, a star in the constellation of Aquila. Its name is Arabic for ‘tail of the eagle’.

Paikauhale, a star in the constellation of Scorpius. Its name is Hawaiian for ‘vagabond without a home’.

Parumleo, a star in the constellation of Pisces. Its name is Latin for ‘little lion’. It has an exoplanet named Viculus, meaning ‘little village’.

Peacock, the brighterst star in the constellation of Pavo. Its name was one of the early navigational stars of the British Navy. Pavo displays an annual meteor shower known as the Delta Pavonids.

Petra, a star in the constellation of Aquila. It's named after a city in Jordan. It has an exoplanet named Wadirum after Jordan’s Valley of the Moon. 

Phact, a star in the constellation of Columba. Its name comes from the Arabic word for ‘ring dove’.

Phecda, a star in the constellation of Ursa Major. It comes from the Arabic saying ‘thigh of the bear’. To the Hindus it was known as Pulastya and one of the seven rishis. It has many Chinese names including Tiān Jī which means ‘star of the celestial shining pearl’.

Pherkad, a star in the constellation of Ursa Minor. Its name is Arabic for ‘calf’. 

Phoenicia, a star in the constellation of Aquila. It is named after the Ancient Mediterranean civilization. It has an exoplanet named Beirut, an ancient port. 

Piautos, a star in the constellation of Cancer. The origin of its name is unknown.

Pincoya, a star in the constellation of Sagittarius. It is named after the female water spirit in Chilean myth said to bring drowned sailors to the afterlife. It has an exoplanet named Caleuche after the mythical ghost ship. 

Pipirima, a star in the constellation of Scorpius. Its name comes from the traditional Tahitian tale of a brother and sister Pipiri and Rehua who escaped their parents by becoming stars. 

Pipoltr, a star in the constellation of Hercules. It's named after a brightly coloured butterfly of Triesenberg. It has an orbiting planet named Umbaassa, the name of a barely visible ant. 

Pleione, a star in the constellation of Taurus. It is named after the mother of the Pleiades in Greek mythology. 

Poerava, a star in the constellation of Tucana. It is named after a mystical black pearl of Maori mythology. It has an exoplanet named Pipitea, named after a white and gold pearl found in the Penrhyn lagoon of the Cook Islands.

Polaris, a star in the constellation of Ursa Major. It is latin for ‘the polar star’ and the closest visible star to the northern celestial pole. 

Polaris Australis, is the only star of the Octans constellation in the Southern Hemisphere. It is the closest visible star to the southern celestial pole. 

Polis, a star in the constellation of Sagittarius. Its name is the Greek word for city.

Pollux, a star in the constellation of Gemini. Its name (Polydeuces) means ‘very sweet’. One of the Dioscuri (twins) in Greek mythology. Its twin star is Castor.They were the deities of shipwrecked sailors and favourable winds, and appeared as St Elmo’s fire.

Porrima, a star in the constellation of Virgo. Named after the goddess of future and prophecy.

Praecipua, a star in the constellation of Leo Minor. Its name means ‘chief’.

Prima Hyadum, a star in the constellation of Taurus. Its name is of unknown origin.

Procyon, a star in the constellation of Canis Minor. Its name means ‘before the dog’, as it precedes Sirus in the sky.

Propus, a star in the constellation of Gemini. Its name means ‘forward foot’, as it lies at the foot of Castor.

Proxima Centauri, a star in the constellation of Centaurus and means ‘nearest star of Centaurus’. It is Earth’s closest neighbour.

Ran, a star in the constellation of Eridanus. It is named after the Norse, goddess of the sea. It has an exoplanet named Aegir after the Norse sea giant and husband of Ran.

Rana, a star in the constellation of Eridanus. Its name is Latin for Second Frog. 

Rapeto, a star in the constellation of scorpius. It's named after a giant creature of Malagasy mythology. It has an exoplanet named Trobe, a rich ogre of Madigascan myth.

Rasalas, a star in the constellation of Leo. Its name means Northern star of the lion's head.

Rasalhague, a star in the constellation of Hercules. Its name is Arabic for ‘Head of the Kneeler’.

Rastaban, a star in the constellation of Draco. Its name means head of the ‘serpent/dragon’.

Regulus, a star in the constellation of Leo. Its name means ‘little king/prince’. 

Revati, a star in the constellation of Pisces. It is named after the Indian nakshatra. 

Rigel, a star in the constellation of Orion. Its name is Arabic for ‘foot’.

Rigil Kentaurus, a star in the constellation of Centaurus. Its name means ‘foot of the Centaur’.

Rosalíadecastro, a star in the constellation of Ophiuchus. It is named after the Galician poet. It has an exoplanet name Riosar, for the river in her literary work.

Rotanev, a star in the constellation of Delphinus. It's named after the Italian astronomer Nivolaus Venator spelt backwards.

Ruchbah, a star in the constellation of Cassiopeia. Its name is Arabic meaning ‘knee’.

Rukbat, a star in the constellation of Sagittarius. Its name means ‘knee’ in Arabic.

Sabik, a star in the constellation of Ophiuchus. Iuts name means ‘the preceding one’. 

Saclateni, a star in the constellation of Auriga. It's the name of one of Capella’s goat kids. 

Sadachbia, a star in the constellation of Aquarius. Its name means ‘luck of the homes’.

Sadalbari, a star in the constellation of Pegasus. Its name is Arabic for ‘luckstar of the splendid one’.

Sadalmelik, a star in the constellation of Aquarius. Its name is Arabic for ‘luck of the king’. 

Sadalsuud, a star in the constellation of Aquarius. Its name means ‘the luck of lucks’. 

Sadr, a star in the constellation of Cygnus. Its name is Arabic for ‘chest’.

Sagarmatha, a star in the constellation of Leo. It is named after the Nepalese name for Mount Everest. It has an exoplanet named Laligurans, a native flower. 

Saiph, a star in the constellation of Orion. Its name is Arabic for ‘sword of the giant’.

Salm, a star in the constellation of Pegasus. Its name may come from the Arabic word for peace.

Sāmaya, a star in the constellation of Piscis Austrinus. Its name is the Sinhalese meaning peace. It has an exoplanet named Samigiya meaning ‘unity’.

Sansuna, a star in the constellation of Sagitta. It is named after a giantess of Maltese folktales. It has an exoplanet named Ggantija meaning ‘giantess’.

Sargas, a star in the constellation of Scorpius. It's named after the weapon wielded by the Sumarian god Marduk. Sometimes it's a spear, a net or a thunderbolt.

Sarin, a star in the constellation of Hercules. The origin of its name is unknown but may be Arabic for ‘lord’ or ‘mercy’.

Sceptrum, a star in the constellation of Eridanus. It is Latin for ‘sceptre’.

Scheat, a star in the constellation of Pegasus. Its name means ‘upper arm’.

Schedar, a star in the constellation of Cassiopeia. Its name is Arabic for breast.

Secunda Hyadum, a star in the constellation of Taurus and is a member of the Hyades cluster. 

Segin, a star in the constellation of Cassiopeia. The origin of its name is unknown. 

Seginus, a star in the constellation of Bootes. Its name comes from the Greek name for the Bootes constellation. 

Sham, a star in the constellation of Sagitta. Its name is Arabic meaning ‘arrow’.

Shama, a star in the constellation of Delphinus. Its name is Urdu for ‘lamp’ or ‘flame’. It has an orbiting planet named Perwana which means ‘moth’. 

Sharjah, a star in the constellation of Scorpius. It is named after the largest city in the United Arab Emirates. It has an exoplanet named Barajeel, named after a wind tower that directs and circulates air for air conditioning. 

Shaula, a star in the constellation of Scorpius. Its name is Arabic for ‘raised tail’. 

Sheliak, a star in the constellation of Lyra. Its name means ‘tortoise’ as a tortoise shell formed the body of a lyre and in time became synonymous with ‘harp’.

Sheratan, a star in the constellation of Ares. Its name means ‘two signs’ as it once marked the northern equinox.

Sika, a star in the constellation of Sagittarius. Its name means ‘gold’ in the Ewe language of Ghana. It has an exoplanet named Toge which means ‘earring’. 

Sirius, a star in the constellation of Canis Major. Its name is Greek for ‘scorching’ or ‘glowing’.

Situla, a star in the constellation of Aquarius. Its name is Latin for ‘water jar’.

Skat, a star in the constellation of Aquarius. Its name is Arabic for Shin.

Solaris, a star in the constellation of Pegasus. It's named for a science fiction exoplanet by Polish author, Stansilaw Lem. Its exoplanet is named Pirx after its fictional character.

Spica, a star in the constellation of Virgo. Its name is Latin for ‘virgin’s ear of grain’.

Sterrennacht, a star in the constellation of Andromeda. It is named after the famous Van Gogh painting ‘The Starry Night’. It has an exoplanet named Nachwacht, after ‘The Night Watch’ by Rembrandt. 

Stribor, a star in the constellation of Lynx. Named after the Slavic god of wind, air and sky. It has an exoplanet named Veles, god of earth, water and the underworld. 

Sualocin, a star in the constellation of Delphinus. It's named after the Italian astronomer Nivolaus Venator spelt backwards.

Subra, a star in the constellation of Leo. Its name means ‘upper part of the back’.

Suhail, a star in the constellation of Vela. Its name means ‘smooth plain’ for its closeness to the horizon.

Sulafat, a star in the constellation of Lyra. Its name is Arabic for turtle.

Syrma, a star in the constellation of Virgo. Its name means ‘train of garment’.

Tabit, a star in the constellation of Orion. Its name is Arabic for ‘the endurer’ or ‘fixed one’.

Taika, a star in the constellation of Lacerta. Its name is Lithuanian for ‘peace’. It has an exoplanet named ‘Vytis’, the name of their coat of arms.

Taiyangshou, a star in the constellation of Ursa Major. Its name is the traditional Chinese name, Tai Yang Show, meaning ‘the Sun Governor’.

Taiyi, a star in the constellation of Draco. Its name is the traditional Chinese name meaning ‘the great one’. 

Talitha, a star in the constellation of Ursa Major. Its name is Arabic meaning ‘third leap of the gazelle’ formed by three pairs of stars.

Tangra, a star in the constellation of Pegasus. Named after the deity of the Turks encompassing the All-God of the heavens. It has an exoplanet named Bendida, the Thracian mother goddess.

Tania Australis, a star in the constellation of Ursa Major. Its Arabic name means ‘second leap of the gazelle’.

Tania Borealis, a star in the constellation of Ursa Major. Its Arabic name means ‘second leap of the gazelle’.

Tapecue, a star in the constellation of Carina. Its name means Eternal Path in Guarani of Bolivia and represents the Milky Way. It has an exoplanet named Yvaga which means ‘paradise’.

Tarazed, a star in the constellation of Aquila. Its name means ‘beam of the scale’, with the Scale being an ancient constellation.

Tarf, a star in the constellation of Cancer. Its name is Arabic for ‘edge’.

Taygeta, a star in the constellation of Taurus. Named after the Pleiades sister. She was known as ‘the mistress of animals’.

Tegmine, a star in the constellation of Cancer. Its name means ‘shell’ of the crab.

Tejat, a star in the constellation of Gemini. Its name is of uncertain origin. 

Terebellum, a part of a binary star system in the constellation of Sagittarius. Its name means ‘borer’ and may be related to sea snails. 

Tevel, a star in the constellation of Auriga. It is the Hebrew word for ‘everything’ or ‘universe’. It has an exoplanet named Alef, the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. 

Theemin, a star in the constellation of Eridanus. The origin of its name is uncertain but may mean ‘bend of the river’.

Thuban, a star in the constellation of Draco. Its name is Arabic meaning ‘large snake.’

Tiaki, a star in the constellation of Grus. It takes its name from the traditional Maori name of the star and means ‘to care for the people and place’.

Tianguan, a star in the constellation of Taurus. It takes its name from the traditional Chinese name meaning ‘Celestial Gate’.

Tianyi, a star in the constellation of Draco. It takes its traditional Chinese name meaning ‘celestial great one’. 

Timir, a star in the constellation of Ophiuchus. Its name comes from the Bengali for Darkness. It has an exoplanet named Tondra which means ‘nap.’

Tislit, a star in the constellation of Puppis. It is named after the lake in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco and means ‘the bride’. It has an exoplanet named Isli meaning the ‘the groom’.

Titawin, a star in the constellation of Andromeda. It has three exoplanets named Saffar, Samh and Majriti, named after 11th Century astronomers.

Tojil, a star in the constellation of Eridanus. Named after the Mayan god of fire, sun, rain, war and sacrifice. It has an orbiting star named Koyopa, the word for lightning. 

Toliman, a star in the constellation of Centaurus. Its name means ‘two male ostriches’. 

Tonatiuh, a star in the constellation of Camelopardalis. It is named after the Aztec sun god and its exoplanet, Meztli, is named after the goddess of the moon. 

Torcular, a star in the constellation of Pisces. It takes its traditional name meaning ‘northern press’.

Tuiren, a star in the constellation of Canes Venatici. It is named after the beautiful aunt of the warrior Fion Mac Cumail of Irish legend.It has an exoplanet named Bran named after the famous hound belonging to Fionn. 

Tupã, a star in the constellation of Crux. It is named after the Guarani creator god of light. It has an exoplanet named Tumearandu, named after the original man and woman of the universe. 

Tupi, a star in the constellation of Reticulum. It is named after an indigenous tribe of Brazil. It has an exoplanet named Guarani after the most populous tribe of Brazil.

Tureis, a star in the constellation of Puppis Its name is Arabic for ‘shield’.

Ukdah, a star in the constellation of Hydra. Its Arabic name means ‘knot’.

Uklun, a star in the constellation of Centaurus. Its name means ‘Us’ in the Pitkerm language of the Pitcairn Islands. It has an exoplanet named Leksullun which means ‘child’.

Unukalhai, a star in the constellation of Serpens. Its name means ‘the serpent's neck’.

Unurgunite, a star in the constellation of Canis Major. It is named after the jacky lizard of Australia’s Boorong people and is an ancestral figure who fights the moon. 

Uruk, a star in the constellation of Sagitta. It’s named after the ancient Sumarian civilization. It has an exoplanet named Babylonia. 

Vega, a star in the constellation of Lyra. Its name in Arabic means ‘falling eagle’. 

Veritate, a star in the constellation of Andromeda. Its name is Latin for ‘where the truth is’. It has an exoplanet named Spe, meaning ‘where the hope is’. 

Vindemiatrix, a star in the constellation of Virgo. Its name is Greek for ‘the grape-harvestress’. 

Wasat, a star in the constellation of Gemini. Its name is Arabic for ‘middle’.

Wazn, a star in the constellation of Columba. Its name is Arabic for ‘weight’.

Wezen, a star in the constellation of Canis Major. Its name is Arabic for ‘weight’.

Wurren, a star in the constellation of Phoenix. Its name means ‘child’ and makes reference to the fish who bring water to the echidna in Australian Wardaman myth.

Xamidimura, a star in the constellation of Scorpius. Its name comes from the Namibian words meaning ‘eyes of the lion’.

Xihe, a star in the constellation of Lyra. It takes its traditional name after the Chinese sun goddess. It has an exoplanet named Wangshu, the moon goddess. 

Xuange, a star in the constellation of Bootes. It takes its traditional Chinese name meaning ‘Sombre Lance’.

Yed Prior, a star in the constellation of Ophiuchus. Its name in Arabic means ‘hand’. 

Yildun, a star in the constellation of Ursa Minor. Its name is the Turkish word for ‘star. 

Zaniah, a star in the constellation of Virgo. Its name is Arabic for ‘corner’. 

Zaurak, a star in the constellation of Eridanus. Its name is Arabic for ‘boat’. Its Chinese name as Tiān Yuàn which means ‘celestial meadows’.

Zavijava, a star in the constellation of Virgo. Its name means ‘corner of the barking dog’.

Zhang, a star in the constellation of Hydra. It takes its Chinese traditional name meaning ‘Extended Net’.

Zibal, a star in the constellation of Eridanus. Its name means ‘ostrich chick’ in Arabic.

Zosma, a star in the constellation of Leo. Its name is Greek for ‘lion cloth’. 

Zubenelgenubi, a star in the constellation of Libra. His name in Arabic means ‘southern claw’. 

Zubenelhakrabi, a star in the constellation of Libra. Its name in Arabic means ‘claws of the scorpion.’ 

Zubeneschamali, a star in the constellation of Libra. Its name in Arabic means ‘claws of the scorpion.’ 


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